I Am Thankful

I am thankful for the struggles, the pains, and all of the disappointments that have come my way in life.  Whether I dove head first into the mess, or even the rare slip up, they are what make me who I am today.  All of my mess is completely mine, and the lessons have been worth the struggle.

I have learned repentance.  I have learned patience.  I have learned peace.  And I chose to live my life differently than I lived my life the majority of my days.  

I am most thankful for Jesus.  I had heard about Him, but I wasn’t willing to get to know Him.  I didn’t want to see Him, because I didn’t want to even see myself.  I was too proud and caught up in trying to do the stuff that made me feel good.  I had no idea what I was missing, or where the path I was on was leading me.  I know now.  

I am thankful… 


I love you Tobi, Tucker, and Teagan… I pray that you walk a different path.  I pray that you seek and find out who Jesus was and is.  I see your hearts as children and I know that your love can change the world.  Seek Christ to show you how.